登本喜訊 | REMD HQ 和 Rhino Workout Studio 雙項榮獲德國iF設計獎 THE iF DESIGN AWARD 2020
登本設計作品 “REMD睿刀醫療上海辦公室”及“Rhino Workout Studio健身房” 雙項目榮獲德國iF設計獎2020

78 international design experts from more than 20 countries have selected the Design Onboard works (REMD Office) be winner of the iF DESIGN AWARD 2020 ! This year, the jury had to select from 7,298 entries from 56 nations. All the award winners will be celebrated in Berlin on 4 May 2020, The glamorous iF design award night will take place for the first time in the Friedrichstadt-Palast.

Award-winning project;
根生於此 / 睿刀醫療上海辦公室
Where the root is / REMD Headquarter
The client of this project is a high-achieving young entrepreneur with great strategic view from Shanghai, and when he has established his own business empire, the Radisson Plaza Xiongguo Hotel, in the center of Shanghai City, was chosen to be the location of the headquarter, situated in a historic building imbued with dark walnut-texture design vocabulary so that all guests and employees can be greeted with a traditional Chinese tea- style reception, so that all professional partners can have a relaxing tea-tasting space for interaction.

Award-winning project;
少鹽少油的運動空間 / Rhino Workout Studio
Sporting Space of Healthy Diet / Rhino Workout Studio
As this project is located in the prime location Xin Tian Di, Shanghai, the design intention was for exercise to be about a journey to health, not about competitions. As a healthy diet being the necessary conditions to the ultimate health, the interior design would like to manifest an essential positioning of a fitness center where an exercise space of purity and professionalism in creating a stress-free environment.

iF設計獎首次頒發於1953年,是世界上最古老的獨立設計印章。此殊榮為專注於創新能力及傑出設計成就的象徵。每年iF國際論壇設計有限公司組織舉辦的IF設計獎為世界上最著名和最有價值的設計競賽之一。 iF設計獎被公認為全球卓越設計的象徵,每年都有來自70個國家/地區多達的6,000多份作品提交。
First awarded in 1953, the iF DESIGN AWARD is the oldest independent design seal in the world. It is a symbol of outstanding design achievements that focuses on the innovative power of design. Each year, iF International Forum Design GmbH organizes one of the world’s most celebrated and valued design competitions: the iF DESIGN AWARD. Recognized as a symbol of design excellence around the world, the iF DESIGN AWARD welcomes over 6,000 submissions from 70 countries every year.